The journey begins...
Hi, my name's Chris and I recently found out that my application to run the Brathay 10 in 10 was successful ( Brathay 10in10 ). This means that in May 2022 I will aim to run 10 marathons in 10 days to support the amazing work of the Brathay Trust ( Brathay Trust ). The Brathay Trust aims to to improve the life chances of children, young people and families by inspiring them to engage positively in their communities. The mission of the Trust is a significant motivation to take on the 10 in 10 but also, personally, the enormity of the challenge is a huge motivator. I have previously run marathons but only one at a time and have always been completely knackered after! I know I'll have to commit to a significant programme of training over this next 10 months and to be honest am looking forward to the journey while at the same time feeling a little daunted! But, my thought process when submitting my application this year was; ‘you’ll never know if you never try.’ My plan, through ...